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Snail delicacy on Mallorca: a special kind of taste experience

Mallorca, April, 13 2024
Discover Mallorca's culinary treasure: visit the last snail farm on the island and experience pure taste!
TEXT   isla editorial office (st)

TAGS   Delicacies Culinary delights Culinary delights Culinary delights on Mallorca Local Snails

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Just a few kilometers west of Felanitx, in the middle of the picturesque Mallorcan countryside, hides a culinary treasure that surprises even connoisseurs: the Caragols Son Pou snail farm. Here, the Sbert family breeds one of the last populations of vineyard snails on the Balearic Islands, a tradition that is passionately continued despite economic challenges.

Biel Sbert, the head of the family, tells isla magazine about the difficulties of snail farming, which is characterized by the amount of work involved and the low profitability. But despite these challenges, the business is flourishing, not only breeding snails but also offering tastings in a rustic dining room.

The farm, which Biel founded with his family in 2006, extends over 17,900 meters of corridors that are artificially irrigated and carefully maintained to create optimal living conditions for the snails. The animals, which have natural enemies such as predators and birds, find a safe haven here.

However, climate change poses an additional challenge. Biel Sbert explains how drought and heat affect the sensitive snails, which is why they are brought into a cold chamber during the hottest months. This precaution protects the snails from the extreme temperatures that they would otherwise not survive.

An essential part of the business is preparing the snails for culinary processing. Maria Sbert, one of the daughters, is responsible for carefully cleaning the animals, a task that requires both patience and skill. Her mother Margarita and sister Marga are responsible for the cooking, adding a modern twist to traditional recipes.

The Sbert family offers three different snail dishes, from simply seasoned versions cooked in a wood-fired oven to rich Bolognese sauces. The meat of the snails is always described as tender and rich in protein, similar to entrecôte, but without a strong taste of its own, which is why it is refined with various spices.

In addition to breeding and preparing snails, the family is also involved in cultural activities and offers its guests an authentic Mallorcan experience. The success of Caragols Son Pou and the enthusiasm of its visitors show that the love and dedication of the Sbert family contribute to the preservation of this unique culinary heritage.

This incomparable taste experience attracts not only locals, but also tourists in search of authentic culinary experiences. Caragols Son Pou is therefore a living example of how traditional craftsmanship and local cuisine are preserved and celebrated on Mallorca.

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