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Condor's flight innovation: Airbus A320 Neo soon to take off from Germany to Mallorca

Mallorca, April, 12 2024
Condor takes off with the brand new Airbus A320 Neo from Düsseldorf and Frankfurt to Mallorca.
TEXT   isla editorial office (st)
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Condor, the German airline with long-standing ties to Mallorca, is about to introduce its first Airbus A320 Neo, which is due to enter service in the middle of next month. According to information from isla magazine and, the first flights of the modern jet will take off from Düsseldorf and Frankfurt am Main airports.

These aircraft are part of an extensive renewal of the fleet for short and medium-haul routes, with flights to destinations such as various Greek islands in addition to Mallorca. "Although the first flights will depart from Düsseldorf and Frankfurt, it is planned that the A320 Neo will also serve other German airports at a later date," explains a Condor spokeswoman.

The airline, which even operated its Mallorca flights with jumbo jets in the 1970s, has a significant history with the Balearic island. Despite the challenges posed by the insolvency of its parent company Thomas Cook, Condor was saved and stabilized thanks to state support from Germany.

The replacement of the older Boeing 767 models, which until recently were still in use on the Mallorca route, marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new one with a more modern and environmentally friendly fleet. The last flight of a Boeing 767 recently landed in Frankfurt from Havana.

Condor's commitment to modernizing its fleet and maintaining its traditional routes, especially to Mallorca, reflects its long-term commitment and confidence in the popularity of the Balearic island as a top destination.

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