RESOURCE   "Mallorca News"

Mallorca invests budget surplus in social welfare and infrastructure

Mallorca, April, 11 2024
Mallorca uses 51.2 million euros surplus for social projects and infrastructure modernization.
TEXT   isla editorial office (st)

TAGS   Island Council Local Order

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The island government of Mallorca presented plans on Wednesday for how it will use the budget surplus of 51.2 million euros from last year. According to Rafel Bosch, the responsible department head in the island council, 60 percent of the budget will flow into social projects and municipal financing. One important step is the planned purchase of the former headquarters of the Hermanitas de los Pobres nuns in Palma for nine million euros, reports isla Magazine. The impressive building currently houses a retirement home, which will remain in operation.

President of the Island Council, Llorenç Galmés, assured that the 69 residents and 50 employees will not be affected by the change of ownership. In addition, the island council plans to acquire another retirement home in Manacor for 1.5 million euros and to provide 190,000 euros for support projects for women who have been victims of domestic violence. Furthermore, 240,000 euros have been earmarked for youth and elderly care projects.

The Department of Mobility and Infrastructure is to be supported with 18.8 million euros from the budget, with the majority going towards road construction projects and maintenance measures. The Department of Environment, Nature and Sport will receive seven million euros, of which six million euros will be invested in the construction of new sports facilities. The Island Council will provide 907,000 euros for cultural initiatives and the tourism sector will receive a further 372,000 euros.

This extensive investment reflects the island government's desire to promote social welfare as well as the economic and infrastructural development of Mallorca. The decisions on the use of the budget, which according to "Ultima Hora" are considered a mere formality, are to be officially confirmed in a plenary session on Thursday.

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