RESOURCE   "Mallorca News"

Majorcan vision for sustainable tourism

Mallorca, April, 15 2024
Rosario Sánchez, who was recently appointed as the new Secretary of State for Tourism in Spain, brings a breath of fresh air to the country's tourism policy. Her appointment signals a new era for the tourism sector in which sustainability and social responsibility take center stage. Sánchez, previously politically active in the Balearic Islands government and a close confidante of the President of the Spanish Parliament, believes that the future of tourism must be both environmentally friendly and socially responsible. Her vision: balanced tourism that respects the quality of life of the islanders.
TEXT   isla editorial office (st)

TAGS   Local Mass tourism Politics Spain Tourism Environmental protection

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New vision in the tourism sector

A fresh leader with a sustainable mission is taking office to set a new course in Spain's tourism policy.
Spain welcomes with Rosario Sánchez a new Secretary of State for Tourism. The appointment of the Mallorcan politician marks an important turning point in Spanish tourism policy, which is now increasingly focusing on sustainability and social acceptance.

Political paths and connections

From local town halls to the national spotlight: Rosario Sánchez's political rise and her strategic alliances.
Rosario Sánchez, previously parliamentary group spokesperson and former finance minister of the Balearic Islands, takes over from Rosana Morillo. Her political career and close ties to influential figures such as Francina Armengol, the current President of the Spanish Parliament, underline her strong network.

Sustainability as a guiding principle

The new State Secretary is calling for a paradigm shift: Away from mass tourismtowards a responsible travel experience.
In contrast to her predecessor, who gained extensive experience in the tourism sector, Sánchez brings a fresh perspective to the office. She is in favor of tourism that respects the environment and the local population and advocates a move away from quantitative growth.

Facing the challenge

The ambitions and challenges of a new era: How will Sánchez fulfill the expectations of a green future in tourism?
Her appointment is associated with high expectations for the transformation of tourism policy in Spain. Her previous statements on a more sustainable tourism model have been well received and raise hopes for a long-term improvement in industry standards.

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