RESOURCE   "Mallorca city guides - places that tell stories"

Palma de Mallorca: the city that is more than just a stopover

Mallorca, September, 9 2024
Palma de Mallorca is more than just a capital - it is the beating heart of the island. From the imposing La Seu Cathedral to the hidden alleyways of the old town, Palma combines history, modernity and the real life of Mallorca
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TAGS   Old Town Palma de Mallorca Port of Palma de Mallorca Art & Culture La Seu Cathedral Palma Markets Palma Mallorca Palma de Mallorca

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Palma de Mallorca - a name that for most people probably only conjures up the words "airport", "port" or "quickly on to Cala Something". For many, Palma is the starting point, no more and no less. But those who only see Palma as a transit point have really missed something. This city has more to offer than most people realize - you just have to take the time to discover it.

©Yves Alarie

La Seu: The cathedral that watches over everything

No visitor to Palma can avoid it: La Seuthe mighty cathedral, which seems to hover over the city and the sea with its stone wings. You can already see it from the plane, proudly watching over the bay on the edge of the old town. And no, it's not just a pretty building - it's the heart of Palma.

Anyone who dares to cross the narrow alleyways of the old town will come across it at some point. Whether planned or by chance, it makes no difference. The way it sits there, surrounded by palm trees and the glittering sea, attracts you magnetically. And when you stand in front of it, you realize that Palma is more than just a pretty backdrop. It is a city that combines history and modernity - and La Seu is the perfect symbol of this.

The old town: get lost

Palma is a city where it is easy to get lost. The old town is a labyrinth of small alleyways, ornate courtyards and hidden squares. And the best thing? You never know what's waiting around the next corner. Perhaps a cozy café where the locals read their newspapers and leisurely sip their coffee. Or a concept store that's so hip you almost wonder whether you've landed in Mallorca or Berlin-Mitte.

But that's Palma: it's old and new, traditional and modern - all at the same time, and that's what makes it so irresistible. Strolling through the alleyways here is like walking through a history book that just happens to be a modern design edition.

The markets: where Palma comes alive

If you want to feel the real Palma, then you have to go to one of the markets. The Mercat de l'Olivar or the Mercat de Santa Catalina - This is where the true heart of the city beats. The colors, the smells, the people - it's as if the city takes a deep breath in these places and shows itself from its most vibrant side.

Here you can find all the fresh delicacies the island has to offer. The fish is so fresh that you can almost hear the waves. The fruit, so colorful that you wonder if it has fallen out of a painting. And then the voices of the vendors, which couldn't be louder or more cheerful. It's not just selling here, it's living here. A market day in Palma is a feast for all the senses.

Mallorca market
Thomas Le

The port: where the world comes to Palma

Palma's harbor is not only a port of call for ferries and yachts, but also a place where the world comes to visit. From small fishing boats to luxurious yachts that almost look more like floating villas, you can find everything here. But the cruise ships that regularly dock here and dominate the Palma skyline for a brief moment are particularly eye-catching. The huge ocean liners disgorge their passengers, who wander curiously through the streets of the city before boarding again to set off for their next destination.

Cruise tourists have long since discovered Palma as one of the most popular ports of call in the Mediterranean. Sometimes it almost seems as if the city has perfected maritime life - the harbor pulsates, boats and ships come and go, and Palma remains relaxed, as if it could hardly be impressed by it all. While the cruise ship guests enjoy their short excursions, the locals can only watch the hustle and bustle - another chapter in the long history of this cosmopolitan city.

And if you stroll along the promenade, you can watch the hustle and bustle wonderfully. The sun glistens on the water and the city rises in the background, with its own relaxed rhythm. Palma may be cosmopolitan, but it always remains true to itself. No hustle and bustle, no drama - just a city that lets the world come to it.

Mallorca alley
©Belinda Fewings

Palma: A cultural hotspot

If you think Palma is just a playground for sun-seekers and beach vacationers, you're far from it. In recent years, the city has established itself as the cultural center of the island. The Fundació Miró or the Es Baluard Museum are just two of the many places where art and culture are celebrated.

And then there are the countless galleries that attract art lovers to the narrow streets. Whether contemporary art or works from days gone by, Palma has something for everyone. It is a city that lives and breathes creativity.

Palma de Mallorca: More than just a capital city

Palma is more than just the capital of Mallorca. It is the heart of the island, a place that is constantly changing but never forgets its roots. Whether you lose yourself in the alleyways, have a coffee at the harbor or explore the markets, Palma shows you that it has much more to offer than meets the eye. It's a city you don't just pass through. You have to experience it.

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