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From October: Spain wants to know exactly - more data from holidaymakers required

Mallorca, September, 21 2024
From October 2024, Spain will require more personal data when booking - name, address and even payment details will be requested.
TEXT   isla editorial team (nt)

TAGS   personal data Spain vacation Real Decreto 933/2021 Spain Booking regulations 2024 Tourism Spain new rules

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From the October 1, 2024 things are getting a little... let's say, more formal for travelers to Spain. Because if you think that only your name, date of birth and passport number are enough to book a hotel room or vacation apartment, you should hold on tight. Spain would like to more know about us. Home address, e-mail, Phone number - and, of course, how we pay for it all. A dream for bureaucrats, but perhaps not for us.

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Why all this?

The Real Decreto 933/2021which has actually been in the starting blocks since 2023, is now to be properly implemented. The idea behind it? More Security. More Overview. Briefly: Terrorists and Criminals should have a harder time making themselves at home in Spanish resorts. What used to be simple - name in, room out - is now becoming a little more complicated. Payment details and Contact information go straight to the authorities. So if you thought your vacation started with check-in, you've done the math without the additional forms.

More bureaucracy or more security?

While Security authorities cheer, many roll Landlord with their eyes. Because what the government sells as progress means longer booking processes, new Booking systems and - oh yes - also new data that they have to store. A feast for the IT departments! And for us vacationers? Well, a little more effort before the trip, but who knows - maybe also a secure feeling that no one uninvited is checking into the hotel next to us.

What exactly does that look like?

Name, Gender, Date of birth and Passport data were yesterday - from October the Spanish authorities want to more. Now there are also Address, e-mail and Phone number in addition. This data must be passed on to the authorities within 24 hours and stored for at least three years. Sounds like a lot of paperwork? It is. But at least the Spanish sun remains just as warm and inviting as ever.

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