To bring the land back to life, the organic winegrower from the village of Calonge follows the principles of Japanese microbiologist Masanobu Fukuoba. The method of the award-winning scientist, who later devoted himself to rice cultivation as a farmer, is based on the belief that nature is capable of maintaining and regenerating itself. It does not need humans. Nature regulates plagues through diversity. Roots, worms and ants loosen the soil better than any plow.
The guided tour of the bodega and vineyard is well worth seeing. Afterwards, you can experience the flavors of the white, rosé and red wines in the original rooms. These are accompanied by cheese, crackers, olives, bread, extra virgin olive oil and grapes. You will learn the stories behind the bottle labels, historical facts about the island and a lot about the country and its people.
Time: 2h with guided tour and wine tasting (varieties: white, rosé, red)