RESOURCE   "Mallorca News"

Albariño in Palma: a wine festival in a class of its own

Mallorca, April, 12 2024
Experience exclusive Albariño wines and Galician cuisine at the Royal Yacht Club Palma - admission only €10.
TEXT   isla editorial office (st)

TAGS   Life and style Wine

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Next Wednesday, April 17th, the restaurant of the Royal Yacht Club in Palma will open its doors for a unique wine event that wine lovers in Mallorca should not miss. This will be the 27th edition of this prestigious event, where visitors will have the opportunity to taste products from 40 different Albariño bodegas for an entrance fee of just 10 euros from 5pm. "You will find 600 bottles there," the organizer of the event, former hotelier Antonio Seijas, told isla Magazine.

This year, the offer will be complemented by a selection of spirits and sparkling wines that perfectly complement the smooth wines from northwest Spain. Visitors are encouraged to arrive early, ideally between 5 and 6pm, to enjoy the full experience.

In addition to the wines, the event has also come up with something special in culinary terms. From April 17 to 19, traditional Galician cuisine will be celebrated, especially octopus caught from the cold Atlantic. The renowned chef Gabriel Bea from O Grove in Galicia, who runs the well-known seafood restaurant "Solaina", will be treating guests to culinary delights. "Having him here is a luxury for us," enthuses Seijas, who is considered Galicia's unofficial ambassador on the Balearic Islands.

The wine event, which first began at the well-known Hotel Cristóbal Colón on Playa de Palma, attracts wine lovers and gourmets alike every year. Reservations are essential for the culinary days, as guests can order both set menus and à la carte.

Antonio Seijas underlines the growing popularity of Albariño wines, which are now even being produced in regions as far afield as New Zealand, South Africa, Canada and Australia, even though these producers have nothing to do with the 190 or so Galician winegrowers in the "Rias Baixas" designation of origin. This event offers a rare opportunity to experience first-hand the depth and diversity of Albariño and discover the delicious flavors of Galicia.

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