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Mallorca's olive crisis: a historic low for agriculture

Mallorca, November, 29 2024
Olive harvest 2024: Drought and pest infestation lead to a historic crisis in Mallorca. Why olive oil is now becoming even more expensive.
TEXT   isla editorial team (nt)

TAGS   Balearic olive oil EU subsidies for agriculture Climate change agriculture Mallorca Olive harvest Mallorca 2024 Olive fruit fly Mallorca Olive crisis Mallorca Olive oil production Balearic Islands

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Olive production on the Balearic Islands faces one of its biggest challenges in 2024. According to the Balearic Ministry of Agriculture, the harvest has plummeted by an alarming 78.6 percent compared to the previous year - a level that exceeds even the most pessimistic forecasts. The regional government has therefore officially declared a crisis situation to support farmers in these difficult times.

©Anita Austvika

Record crop failures

Only 1,385 tons of olives were harvested on the Balearic Islands this year - a dramatic drop compared to the 6,478 tons of 2023. The balance on Mallorca is hardly better: the island only produced 1,331 tons, which corresponds to a decrease of 78 percent. Olive oil production has also collapsed: The oil mills recorded 199,725 liters, a drop of 78.18 percent. The situation is even more drastic for pickled olives. Only 330 tons were processed here - an almost complete slump of 99.48 percent compared to the 63,050 tons of the previous year.

Causes of the crisis: climate change and pest infestation

The massive crisis has two main causes: Firstly, the persistent drought, which has massively restricted the water supply to the olive trees. Regions such as the Tramuntana mountains and the area around Caimari, which are traditionally considered olive strongholds, are particularly affected. Secondly, the aggressive proliferation of the olive fruit fly. The high temperatures and lack of rainfall created ideal conditions for the pest, which completely destroys the flesh of the olives. According to experts from the Ministry of Agriculture, this combination was simply too much for many olive growers.

Long-term effects on consumers

The crisis will have a significant impact on prices. Olive oil from Mallorca is already a premium product - this year it will be even rarer and more expensive. Prices could rise by a further 20 to 30 percent by the end of the year, according to forecasts by the association D.O. Oli de Mallorca. In addition, availability in supermarkets and delicatessens could be severely limited. This will also affect local gastronomy, which relies heavily on the use of regional products.

How the government wants to help

The Balearic government is currently examining financial support under the EU directives for natural disasters. Smaller farms are particularly affected and may have to give up production without help. In addition to financial aid, the focus is also on investments in modern irrigation systems and environmentally friendly pest control. The aim is to make olive trees more resistant to drought and pests. In addition, the government plans to promote the affected regions more strongly by advertising local products on international markets and encouraging tourism to the growing regions. The "Ruta de la Oliva", a tourism project that combines hiking and tasting tours, could play an important role in this.

Tradition under pressure

Mallorca's olive production has a long tradition. Especially in the Tramuntana mountains, where many of the ancient olive groves are located, olive growing is considered an essential part of the regional identity. But without effective measures, this tradition could come under threat. "We not only have an economic crisis, but also a cultural challenge," emphasize local historians. "Olive growing has been part of the Mallorcan identity for centuries and we must do everything we can to preserve it."

Looking ahead: hope for innovation

Despite the dramatic situation, hope remains: new research methods, improved pest control and innovative irrigation systems could help to secure cultivation in the long term. The promotion of organic farming, which favors more resistant varieties, could also be a step in the right direction. It is also being discussed whether state subsidies for the cultivation of old, resistant varieties should be expanded.

Mallorcan olive oil remains unique

Despite all the challenges, Mallorcan olive oil remains a symbol of quality and authenticity. Local producers hope that consumers will appreciate and support the importance of regional products even in difficult times.

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