RESOURCE   "Mallorca News"

Muro's plans to revitalize the "La Monumental" bullring

Mallorca, April, 10 2024
Muro is aiming to revitalize the "La Monumental" bullring, with plans for a variety of cultural uses.
TEXT   isla editorial office (st)

TAGS   Local Muro Bullfighting Bullfighting in Mallorca Bullring

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The town hall of Muro in Mallorca has initiated a decisive phase in the revitalization of the historic bullring "La Monumental". A comprehensive viability study has been carried out to provide the basis for the upcoming tender process to find an operator for the arena, as isla Magazine News reports.

According to a report in Ultima Hora, the arena will not only be used for traditional bullfights, but also for a wide range of other events, which could strengthen its importance in the socio-cultural life of Muro. Its use is initially planned for at least three years, with a particular emphasis on bullfighting during the local Sant Joan festival, which is an integral part of the municipality's cultural calendar.

The reopening of the arena is seen as an opportunity to respond to the existing demand for programs and socio-cultural activities. The study underlines the potential of the building, which is considered one of the most important in the municipality. The revitalization should not only preserve the building, but also enhance and activate it.

Financially, the forecast envisages that the arena could generate considerable income from three large festivals per year and up to ten tours. The costs for the bullfighters are estimated at around 115,000 euros, while the expenses for the bulls themselves are around 40,000 euros. In addition, there are annual maintenance costs of around 10,000 euros.

Income of 202,500 euros is expected annually from season ticket sales, in addition to 7,500 euros from the sale of the bulls' meat and further income from the rental of bars and static advertising within the arena. Additional income of 15,000 euros is also expected from visits and cultural and sporting events. This multifaceted use should make the arena a central attraction in Muro and strengthen its cultural and economic importance in the long term.

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1 Comment

  1. Tatjana Rößler

    Absolute cruelty to animals! Animal torture and suffering have no place in 2024! Muro will not be doing itself any favors!


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