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Off to Felanitx: Three days of art night with over 200 artists

Mallorca, August, 23 2024
Felanitx celebrates the "Nitx de l'Art" from August 23 to 25 with over 200 artists and impressive installations. Experience art, music and interactive projects in the municipality.
TEXT   isla editorial team (nt)

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Felanitx celebrates art: the "Nitx de l'Art" brings together over 200 artists

A night of art alone is not enough in Felanitx - which is why the municipality celebrates from August 23 to 25 a new edition of their popular "Nitx de l'Art". This weekend, the city will be transformed into a center of contemporary art, where over 200 artists on 62 exhibition venues present their works. One of the main protagonists this year is the renowned Korean artist Do-ho Suhwhose impressive installation "Gate small" in the Church of the Convent de Sant Agustí can be seen.


Preparations for the Nitx de l'Art and the Felanitx Town Hall are in full swing, and through the Casa de Cultura, Connecta Cultura (Tina Codina) has been entrusted with a project in which the people of Felanitx can actively participate in this event in which art takes center stage...

Do-ho Suh: A dialog between past and present

The installation "Gate small" by Do-ho Suh, which can be seen in the church of the Convent de Sant Agustí, is a floating Korean portal that stands in sharp contrast to the baroque architecture of the church. It is the first time that this historic building has had a contemporary work of art is housed. Suh's work reflects the themes Nostalgia, loneliness and a lack of belongingthat many people who have had to leave their homeland feel. The Curator of the exhibition, Sebastià Mascaródescribes the installation as a "modular emotional architecture" that makes it possible to take memories with you as if it were a transportable house. This installation can be Sunday from 7 to 11 pm can be visited.

Interactive art and "do it yourself" projects

In addition to Suh's installation, there are numerous other art projects to discover in Felanitx. In the Miquel Barceló Room of the Casa de Cultura huge trowels and spatulas greet visitors. These tools are part of the project "DIY (Do it yourself)" of the artist Marcos Vidalwhich deals with the transformation of the Mallorcan Pla (interior of the island) as a result of urbanization. Vidal, winner of the art prize of the last "Nitx de l'Art", shows a total of 14 works in this exhibition.

Another highlight is the interactive art project "Més enllà dels límits". Visitors can explore the streets of Felanitx by QR code immerse yourself in a story full of local secrets. This experience was created under the direction of the artist Albert Iglesias in cooperation with Tina Codina and suggests to visitors that there may be more than just art in Felanitx - possibly even aliens.

A varied supporting program

The "Nitx de l'Art" not only offers visual art, but also a varied supporting program. At various locations in Felanitx there are Live musicone Workshop for families in the M8 Taller serigàfic from 20.30 to 22.30 and other activities. The official start of the art night is on Friday at 9.30 p.m.immediately after the award ceremony for this year's art prize. The exhibitions are open on Saturday from 7 to 10 p.m. and on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. open.

Echo of the art night

For those who can't get enough, many of the exhibitions are still open for a while after the "Nitx de l'Art". We particularly recommend the show "Mareas vivas" from Yolanda Costa in the Fundación Barcelówhich is additionally supported by the August 29 - 31 each from 8 to 10 p.m. is open.

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