RESOURCE   "Mallorca News"

Palma's new rules of etiquette: The big sweep

Mallorca, November, 30 2024
Palma cleans up: New etiquette rules come into force in 2025. Fines of up to 450,000 euros. What's changing - from motorhomes to electric scooters.
TEXT   isla editorial team (nt)

TAGS   Alcohol ban Palma Electric scooter rules Mallorca Graffiti penalties Palma Palma etiquette rules 2025 Palma regulatory policy Palma tourist tours Motorhome ban Palma

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Palma de Mallorca is tightening the reins: With stricter rules of conduct, the city not only wants to create cleanliness and order, but also promote social interaction. Mayor Jaime Martínez presented the new rules of conduct on Wednesday (27.11.), which will apply to the entire city, including Playa de Palma, from February 2025. With fines of up to 450,000 euros and measures ranging from mediation to criminal prosecution, Palma aims to set an example - or at least curb chaos and disorder.

Palma Town Hall /©David Vives

"Motorhomes are not apartments"

Caravans and camper vans, which until now have often served as a last resort in housing shortages, will in future be unwelcome on public roads. Spending the night in them? Forbidden. If they are left in the same place for too long, fines of 750 to 1,500 euros will be imposed. "In Palma, people live in apartments, not mobile homes," Martínez clarified. The informal caravan settlements that have formed in Son Hugo and Es Carnatge, for example, are also to be dissolved. However, the mayor announced that he would treat cases of hardship sensitively and refer those affected to the social services.

Guided tourist groups: Smaller, quieter, tidier

The popular city tours will also have to change: In future, groups will be limited to a maximum of 20 people - and only four for Segways or bicycle tours. Loudspeakers and megaphones are taboo. Violations will be punished with a fine of up to 750 euros. Tour guides are obliged to wear their official ID visibly.

Electric scooters: now with helmet and insurance

The rules of conduct also apply to the use of electric scooters: Helmets are compulsory, liability insurance with at least 120,000 euros cover and driving bans on sidewalks and in parks. Anyone violating the rules risks fines of up to 600 euros or immobilization of the vehicle. Scooters may only be driven on roads up to 40 km/h and cycle paths - and may not exceed a maximum speed of 25 km/h.

No room for graffiti

In future, graffiti graffiti will be considered a serious offense and punishable by up to 3,000 euros. Underage graffiti artists must be prepared to accept liability from their parents. The city also wants to take stronger action against unauthorized advertising: Anyone who puts up posters, stickers or neon signs will face fines of up to 6,000 euros.

Prohibited gambling and alcohol excesses

The focus is also on shell games and other illegal gambling: fines of between 30,000 and 450,000 euros are intended to put an end to this activity. Alcohol consumption in public places is prohibited if it disturbs the neighborhood or endangers public order. Fines of up to 1,500 euros are envisaged.

Public hygiene: consequences for "wild pissers"

Urinating or spitting in public will become more expensive in future: fines of up to 750 euros are threatened for minor offenses and up to 1,500 euros for major offenses - such as doing the big business. Access to parks outside of opening hours will also be penalized.

Setting an example - but with sensitivity

Mayor Martínez emphasized that the new rules are not intended to be a purely punitive machine. The city wants to focus on mediation and education before imposing penalties, particularly in the case of socially disadvantaged people and minors. The deadline for objections and amendments by the city council groups runs until the end of the year.

Palma: Between order and sensitivity

With the new rules, Palma is showing that it is not afraid to crack down - but implementation will require tact and sensitivity. The balance between tougher penalties and social responsibility remains a challenge. The coming year will show whether the new measures will prevail.

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