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Police step up measures against local sprayers and "graffiti tourists"

Mallorca, August, 25 2024
Graffiti in Palma: a growing problem that the city is combating with new measures and increased surveillance. Find out more about the background and solutions.
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TAGS   Graffiti Palma de Mallorca

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Graffiti - for some a modern form of expression Street artFor others, it is simply vandalism. In Palma de Mallorca, this debate has been heated for years. The picturesque facades of the old town, which bear witness to history and culture, are increasingly littered with tags and murals. But who is behind these colorful but unwanted works of art? And how is the city trying to get to grips with this problem?

Graffiti Mallorca

Graffiti tourists and repeat offenders: a growing problem

It is not only local artists who immortalize themselves on the walls of Palma. In recent years, the phenomenon of "Graffiti tourists" Sprayers who travel to Mallorca from the mainland or even from other parts of Europe to carry out their work. These "tourists" often plan their trips meticulously, knowing exactly which remote locations or abandoned buildings in Palma and the surrounding area are particularly suitable for leaving their works of art undisturbed.

An officer from the local police force in Sant Ferran, who wishes to remain anonymous, explains: "Our units on the street are essential. They try to catch the perpetrators in the act, but the sprayers are becoming more and more sophisticated." What is particularly worrying is that more and more young people are entering the competition for untouched spaces - breaking unwritten rules that once applied to the scene.

The internet as a crime scene: how social media contributes to the hunt for sprayers

An important factor in the fight against graffiti is the Internet. Many sprayers cannot resist the urge for recognition and publish photos of their work on Instagram and other platforms. This virtual trail makes it easier for the police to identify the perpetrators. "We monitor their pages, but we don't make direct contact so as not to attract attention," says the officer.

The tags, which often consist of short pseudonyms or numbers, are the sprayers' signatures. These not only serve to identify them, but also to build a reputation within the scene. "Some want to do elaborate, large graffiti that they consider art. Others are just interested in leaving a trail of chaos," the police officer continues.

Penalties and challenges: How the city tackles graffiti

The penalties for graffiti vandalism in Palma are varied, but often not dissuasive enough. Fines range from 100 to 600 euros, but can rise to up to 3,000 euros if listed buildings are damaged. Nevertheless, there are always cases in which the perpetrators cannot be brought to justice due to a lack of evidence. "It's frustrating when we write a long report and the public prosecutor drops the case due to a lack of direct evidence," says the officer.

Nevertheless, there are also successes: recently, a sprayer who had damaged the historic train in Sóller was sentenced to a heavy fine. Such sentences send a strong signal to the graffiti scene that Palma is consistently protecting its cultural assets.

New trends: from brushes to glue

The graffiti scene is constantly developing new techniques to spread its works. While in the past it was mainly Spray cans more and more sprayers are turning to wide brushes to paint large areas more quickly and efficiently. Some even go so far as to paint their artwork on paper in advance and then stick it to the walls. These new methods pose additional challenges for the police, as they have even fewer opportunities to catch the perpetrators in the act.

The role of citizens: what everyone can do

The city of Palma is planning to install cameras in sensitive places such as the city wall in order to protect this part of the cultural heritage. But the fight against graffiti is also a Civic duty. "It often takes hours to create graffiti. If you see something suspicious, don't hesitate to call 092, 091 or 112," the police officer appeals to the city's residents.


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