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Protest in front of German consulate in Mallorca: demand for political rethink

Mallorca, April, 11 2024
"Mallorca por Palestina" demonstrates in front of the German consulate and demands an end to support for Israel.
TEXT   isla editorial office (st)

TAGS   Citizens' initiatives Demonstrations Germans on Mallorca German Consulate Israelis Local Protests

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The island group "Mallorca por Palestina" has announced a protest action in front of the German consulate in Palma de Mallorca this Thursday. The demonstrators plan to hand over a letter to the German consul, Wolfgang Engstler, in which they demand an end to the Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip and a fundamental change in German policy. This initiative is part of a global movement that is taking place in front of various German missions abroad, reports isla Magazin, citing the newspaper Ultima Hora.

In their press release, the association emphasizes that Germany must no longer be complicit in what they call "genocide in Gaza". The demands include the immediate cessation of arms deliveries to Israel, the end of any diplomatic support for Israel by Germany, an immediate ceasefire and the lifting of all restrictions on humanitarian aid to Gaza, as well as comprehensive reparations payments to the Palestinian people.

Stefan Armborst, a 62-year-old German and one of the organizers of the rally, explained his motivation: "Germany must rethink. History alone must not serve as justification for tolerating genocide." Armborst, who lives in Felanitx, added that many Jews around the world do not agree with Israel's actions, as it damages the reputation of Judaism itself. He emphasized the importance of dialogue and reconciliation in order to create an example of peaceful coexistence in the Middle East.

The action takes place in the context of global demonstrations that will take place on April 14 in front of German embassies, consulates, official institutions, the International Criminal Court and the UN headquarters. The organizers are calling on people to protest against Germany's involvement in the "genocide in Gaza" and stress that Germany must not be an accomplice in these crimes.

The German authorities have already confirmed their knowledge of the planned actions and are monitoring developments. This protest action represents an important moment for international communities to raise their voices to draw attention to serious geopolitical conflicts and demand changes in global politics.

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