RESOURCE   "Mallorca News"

Ready for school: How to enrol your child in Mallorca

Mallorca, April, 12 2024
From May 20 to 28: Secure dates for school and daycare registrations in Santanyí now!
TEXT   isla editorial office (st)

TAGS   Authority Childcare in Mallorca School Dates

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New registration periods set
The registration dates for the coming school year are coming up in Santanyí on Mallorca. As announced by the Balearic Ministry of Education, registrations for public daycare centers and schools will take place between May 20 and 28. These dates apply to first-time enrolments as well as to changes of school.

Blai Bonet elementary school in Santanyí

Age groups at a glance

Registration covers various educational levels:

  • Daycare centers (Escoletes): from three months
  • Preschool (Infantile): from 3 years
  • Elementary school (Primaria): from 6 years
  • Intermediate level (Secundaria/ESO): from 12 years
  • Registrations for special schools are also accepted during this period.
  • There are separate dates for the upper school (Bachillerato, ages 16 and up) from June 20 to 26.

Registration: Digital or in person

Parents can digitally support their children via the official link of the Ministry of Education. Access is possible via the Cl@ve and Gestib systems or by anonymous registration using a NIE number and cell phone number. In the case of anonymous registration, it is necessary to subsequently submit documents in paper form.

Alternatively, registration can also be done in person by making an appointment with the secretariat of the desired school within the specified period.

How the places are allocated

The allocation of school places is based on a points system that takes into account various criteria such as proximity to the parents' place of residence or workplace, the presence of siblings at the school or the employment of a parent at the school. Social and personal circumstances such as disabilities, chronic illnesses or belonging to a disadvantaged group can also contribute additional points.

Special features in Palma

In Palma, the number of school selection zones has been reduced from eight to three. You can find out which schools are in your zone view here.

Important dates

  1. Preliminary results of the allocation of places: June 12
  2. Objection period: June 13 to 17
  3. Publication of the final lists: June 21
  4. Registration in the schools: June 24 to 28

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