RESOURCE   "Mallorca News"

Solar energy in Mallorca: a radiant growth with challenges

Mallorca, September, 20 2024
Solar energy on Mallorca is booming in 2024. New projects and self-consumption are driving growth, but nature conservation and land use are facing challenges.
TEXT   isla editorial team (nt)

TAGS   Self-consumption Solar Mallorca Renewable energies Balearic Islands 2024 Sustainability Mallorca Photovoltaics Balearics Solar energy Mallorca 2024 Bunyola solar parks

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Mallorca - the island that shines with sunshine all year round is increasingly relying on the power of this energy source: Solar energy. In the year 2024 impressive growth in the use of the Solar powerbut at the same time there are also challenges that make the path to complete Energy transition on the island.

Solar field Mallorca

2024: A record year for solar power

The figures are impressive: the Solar power capacity in Mallorca and the Balearic Islands, the 400 megawatts (MW)-mark has been exceeded. Compared to 2023, when capacity was still at 333 MW this is a significant increase. The one opened in 2023 Solar park in Bunyola is a flagship project that has already 12,000 households with clean electricity and shows that the island is taking the expansion of renewable energies seriously.

The power of solar roofs

In addition to the large solar parks, more and more Mallorcans are turning to Private photovoltaic systems. In 2024 alone, more than 5,000 applications approved for solar installations. Thanks to Tax concessions and the rise in electricity prices, the Own consumption increasingly popular. This means that solar panels on the roofs of private households are increasingly contributing to the island's energy supply and making many households less dependent on traditional electricity providers.

Challenges for solar energy

But where there is light, there is also shadow. Environmentalists and Farmers criticize the expansion of solar parks, as more and more Agricultural land be converted into photovoltaic systems. This not only changes the Landscape the island, but also displaces traditional agriculture. There are calls for a Moratorium for the construction of new parks on agricultural land in order to achieve a balance between Energy hunger and Nature conservation to find.

The future of solar energy

The Balearic government has set itself ambitious targets: By 2030 should 35 percent of the energy requirement from renewable energies, and by 2050 this share is to be 100 percent increase. However, in order to achieve these goals, not only must more solar parks be built, but solutions must also be found that take into account the interests of the environment and agriculture.

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