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Spain plans bottle deposit - Mallorca could lead the way

Mallorca, November, 25 2024
Spain is planning a bottle deposit - also on Mallorca. What does this mean for recycling and the environment on the island?
TEXT   isla editorial team (nt)

TAGS   Bottle deposit introduction Spain Bottle deposit Mallorca Plastic waste Mallorca Plastic pollution Balearic Islands Recycling Spain Environment Mallorca

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It's an issue that has been stirring up emotions on Mallorca for a long time - now it's getting serious: the Spanish central government wants to introduce a deposit system for plastic bottles by 2026. This could finally get things moving for a recycling rate that has been anything but glamorous so far.

Plastic bottle return deposit Mallorca
©Getty Images

Düsseldorf as a role model, Madrid's turn

Mallorca has long since set its sights on the German model. Delegates from the island council made a pilgrimage to Düsseldorf years ago to study the deposit system there. But apart from discussion rounds and pilot projects, little happened. Now Madrid wants to take action. The bottle deposit is to work according to the familiar principle: a small surcharge per plastic bottle, which is refunded when it is recycled.

Spain is lagging behind when it comes to plastic recycling: only 41.3% of plastic containers are disposed of correctly. The target was a rate of 70 percent. There is an urgent need to close this gap - and not just on the mainland, but also on Mallorca. Here, too many plastic bottles simply end up in nature after a sunny day at the beach.

A "historic step", but where are the details?

The environmental protection organization Greenpeace celebrates the step as a "historic victory". After all, they have been working towards this moment for over 15 years. But questions remain: How will the system be implemented technically? Who will bear the costs? Mallorca could play a special role here. With an environmentally conscious population and many tourists, the island offers an ideal test platform - or a major challenge.

Private deposit schemes: Islanders show initiative

Some companies in Mallorca have already taken the lead. From the reuse of glass bottles to local return systems for plastic - the willingness to create alternatives is there. The deposit system could strengthen this impetus and at the same time ensure that plastic no longer ends up unused in the countryside. But what happens to all the single-use packaging that ends up on the island every year due to tourist flows? That will also be part of the challenge.

Plastic-free or just a drop in the ocean?

Whether the deposit system will really solve the mountains of garbage and environmental problems on Mallorca remains to be seen. While locals are increasingly interested in more sustainable lifestyles, its success will depend on how quickly and consistently the government implements the new system. For the island, it would be an opportunity not only to increase its recycling rate, but also to become a pioneer in environmental awareness.

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