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The sea off Mallorca has never been this warm: new record temperature reached

Mallorca, August, 13 2024
The sea off Mallorca has never been so warm! A new record was set with a water temperature of 31.87 degrees. Find out what consequences this has for biodiversity.
TEXT   isla editorial team (nt)

TAGS   Climate change Sea Beaches on Mallorca Vacation on Mallorca Water Water temperatures

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The sea off Mallorca has set a new, terrifying record. This Tuesday, the Measuring buoy off the small island of Dragonera a water temperature of unbelievable 31.87 degrees - the highest level ever recorded! This data comes from the measuring station operated by the Spanish Port Authority and paints a worrying picture of the consequences of the current heatwave, which is affecting not only the air but also the sea around the Balearic Islands.

Swimmers and boats Mallorca
Mariya Olinyk - Unsplash

The temperature is rising: New record breaks old highs

The new high of 31.87 degrees surpasses the previous record of 31.36 degreeswhich was measured two years ago. This increase of half a degree is not just a statistical anomaly, but a clear sign of the Progressive climate change and the warming of the oceans. The rising sea temperature has far-reaching consequences for the Biodiversity and the entire marine ecosystem off the Balearic Islands.

Maritime heat waves: A worrying phenomenon

Just like on land, more and more people are also Records for high temperatures set up. The number of days with so-called "maritime heatwaves" is increasing year on year. A maritime heatwave occurs when 90 percent of days exceed the average temperature for the reference period 1982-2015. Last year, there were more days with heatwaves than days on which the temperature reached or fell below the average temperature. And it's not just the summer: the phenomenon is also noticeable in the other seasons, which makes the situation even more alarming.

Dramatic impact on biodiversity

Over the past 40 years, the Sea temperature in the Balearic Islands average by Rise of 1.6 degrees. This rise in temperature has devastating consequences for the Biodiversity. Particularly affected is the Seagrass Posidoniawhich plays a central role in the Mediterranean ecosystem. As soon as the water temperature rises above 28 degrees, the Mortality of Posidonia and from Corals and Sponges drastically. In order to survive, the Posidonia begin to flower earlier or form mini-plants. However, these adaptation mechanisms may not be sufficient to survive in the long term.

Another worrying phenomenon is the Change in species distribution. Species that are adapted to higher temperatures are increasingly spreading, while cold-resistant species are being pushed back. This could lead to a Tropization of the Mediterranean - a process that already seems to be in full swing.

Conclusion: A clear sign of climate change

The new record water temperature off Mallorca is more than just a number. It is a clear sign that climate change is no longer a distant threat, but is already having a noticeable impact on our environment. The warming of the oceans, the increase in maritime heatwaves and the associated changes in biodiversity are alarming developments that require urgent action - both at local and global level.

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