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Water crisis on Mallorca: Low water levels despite rain

Mallorca, September, 19 2024
The water shortage on Mallorca remains a cause for concern: despite heavy rainfall in August, water levels continue to fall. The center of the island is particularly affected.
TEXT   isla editorial team (nt)

TAGS   Excursion tips for Mallorca Lack of rain Mallorca Water shortage Mallorca Water reservoir Balearic Islands August 2024 Water consumption Mallorca restrictions

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Mallorca, the sunny island that attracts visitors all year round with its turquoise-blue bays, has a serious problem that is not immediately apparent: Water shortage. Despite heavy rainfall in August, some of which 59.6 liters per square meter measured, the Water reservoir of the island at an alarmingly low level. The latest data published by the press agency Europe Press published show that the Water levels in Mallorca in August to only 43 percent have fallen - these are eight percent less than in the same month last year. The situation is particularly worrying in the Plathe lowlands in the interior of the island, where the Warning level was proclaimed.

Mallorca reservoir
©Ralf - Cúber reservoir

What are the consequences?

In Pla, the warning level means that strict Restrictions be implemented: The Watering gardens and the Street cleaning must be greatly reduced. These measures are urgently needed, as the Desalination plants in some municipalities are not sufficient to ensure the water supply. Other regions of the island are also on the verge of declaring the Warning level. Some municipalities have already voluntarily taken measures to reduce the Water consumption and thus defuse the situation somewhat.

The problem: not just a rain problem

It is well known that the island has to hope for rain - but rain alone will not be enough. The Spanish weather authority Aemet predicts for the Autumn a higher probability of rain, but the structural problems remain. The Balearic Islands are increasingly dependent on their Desalination plants and many municipalities are already considering long-term measures such as Water recycling and Additional memory discussed. Despite the rainfall in August, which was above average, the effects of the drought are still being felt in the region.

Hope in the fall?

Now all hope lies in the coming fall, which is expected to be rainier. But even if the water reservoirs recover, the island will not be able to do without additional water in the long term. Water projects get around. Mallorca is experiencing more and more summers with water shortages, and with increasing Tourist numbers water consumption will continue to skyrocket. It therefore remains exciting to see how the island will Water resources in the long term.

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