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Tomato and strawberry gazpacho à la Sa Sal

Mallorca, August, 30 2019
Mario Hekke has been cooking for over 20 years, since 2002 in his own restaurant Sa Sal in Porto Cristo. He only has tomato dishes on the menu during the summer season, because "that's when they taste best".
TEXT   isla editorial office (bk)

PHOTO  Anna Brauns, Gunnar Knechtel

TAGS   Delicacies Food in Mallorca Restaurants in Mallorca

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Gazpacho from the Sa Sal Porto Cristo restaurant

Mario Hekke has been cooking for over 20 years, since 2002 in his own restaurant Sa Sal in Porto Cristo. He only has tomato dishes on the menu during the summer season, because "that's when they taste best". The fruit comes from his own kitchen garden and orchard, which he planted in a friend's vineyard in the hinterland.

He mainly grows egg tomatoes there. "They are the best and are suitable for many dishes because they have a very intense flavor," says the 49-year-old from Baden-Baden, for example for tomato salad, tomato ice cream or tomato foam.
The chef also recommends air-dried tomatoes on Mallorca, for example the Malpica or pear tomato varieties. They are not cheap, but very aromatic. Hekke focuses on regional products and cooks upscale Mediterranean cuisine. His restaurant is somewhat hidden in the middle of Porto Cristo. In summer, it has a partially covered garden that can seat up to 60 guests.
Strawberry gazpacho

Sa Sal recipe for tomato and strawberry gazpacho

Mario only uses tomatoes for his gazpacho in summer and from his own garden.

Recipe for 4 people

  • 4 ripe tomatoes
  • 12 strawberries
  • 20 large basil leaves
  • 1 deseeded chili (fresh)
  • to taste:
    Sugar, water, vinegar & salt


Wash and clean the tomatoes, strawberries, basil & chili and blend everything finely, season with sugar, water, vinegar & salt.

Sa Sal Original recipes from Mallorca for our isla Readers

Tomato croutons

  • 250 g bread from the day before
  • 250 g onions
  • 6 garlic cloves
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1/2 teaspoon allspice d'Espelette
  • 1 tablespoon tomato puree
  • 1 tomato
  • 20 basil leaves

Tear the bread into small pieces, place on a baking tray and dry slightly in the oven (90° C). Sauté the onions and garlic with butter in a pan, add the sprig of rosemary, chop the tomato and add to the pan. Cook until soft. Season with piment d'Espelette and stir in the tomato purée. Add the basil leaves at the very end. Blend everything. Add the dried bread to the pan and mix lightly. The bread should absorb the stock. Remove the pieces of bread from the mixture and place on the prepared tray. Dry the croutons in the oven for 2 hours at 90° C.

Basil gel

  • 1/2 pot basil
  • 200 ml water
  • 1 level tablespoon of sugar (to taste)
  • 2 g agar agar

Bring the water, sugar and agar agar to the boil, stirring with a whisk, add the basil at the end and leave to infuse. Mix everything and leave to cool, it will become a firm jelly. Blend again to make it creamy.
Arrange with a piping bag or spoon (4-5 dots/drops). The gel will keep for approx. 4 days in the fridge.

Dried tomatoes

  • 4-8 cherry tomatoes

Cut off the top and bottom of the tomatoes so that they stand on a baking tray, then marinate with salt, pepper, a little sugar and olive oil. Dry in the oven at 90° for 2 hours.

In addition:

  • Cut 20 g feta cheese into small cubes or crumble
  • 2 strawberries, finely diced
  • small, fresh basil leaves


  • Edible flowers, e.g. wild onion blossom

Arrange 4-5 tomato bread croutons, 1-2 dried tomatoes, 5-6 drops of basil gel, feta cubes and strawberries to taste on the empty soup plate. Gazpacho is added at the table.

Regional products
Upscale Mediterranean cuisine

Sa Sal - Porto Christo

Update 2020:
Unfortunately, the Sa Sal restaurant was closed in 2020.
The owner and gourmet professional chef Mario Hekke has opted for a more mobile life and has been working as a private chef ever since.


Restaurant Sa Sal Porto Cristo

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