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Mallorca's liquid gold becomes more expensive: olive oil prices rise again

Mallorca, January, 13 2025
After a year of falling prices, the cost of olive oil in Mallorca is rising again. Reasons, forecasts and tips for smart shopping at a glance.
TEXT   isla editorial team (nt)

TAGS   Mallorca Olive Oil 2025 Olive oil price increase Spain Olive oil prices Mallorca 2025 Drought Olive harvest Andalusia

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After a year in the price valley, olive oil is celebrating a comeback in 2025 - unfortunately not on consumers' wish lists.

In December, many were still hoping for stable or even falling prices for the liquid gold. But then the lack of rain in Andalusia and Extremadura threw a spanner in the works for farmers and us consumers. The harvest remained meagre, prices rose - and we wondered whether it was time to get the good old butter out of the fridge again.

Bottle of Mallorc olive oil
Dimitri Karastelev

The price trend: from high to low and back again

At the beginning of 2024, a liter of olive oil cost around nine euros - a shock for anyone who prefers to make their own tapenade. However, the market calmed down and shortly before the turn of the year, the price slipped to under 3.50 euros. Some even dreamed of three euros per liter. But 2025 shows us that dreams often remain just that: Dreams.

Now the Virgen variety costs 3.98 euros again, Extra Virgen is 4.25 euros. Even cheaper? Not a chance. And this is just the beginning, if market experts are to be believed.

Mallorca: lots of sun, little oil

While Andalusia and Extremadura complain about smaller and drier olives, Mallorca is struggling with an even bigger problem: olives? Which olives? The island reported a drop in the harvest of more than 78 percent for 2024. So if you still have a bottle of Mallorcan oil in your cupboard, you should guard it carefully - it may soon become more valuable than champagne.

What makes prices even more expensive?

The weather god alone is not enough to blame. Since the beginning of the year, the reduced VAT rate has been raised from two to four percent. A small figure that has a double impact in the supermarket. Of course, the fact that production costs for farmers continue to rise doesn't help either.

A look into the future: a dry spell for olive trees

Farmers are worried about the next harvest. The trees are weakened, susceptible to disease and bear less fruit. This means that it will still be difficult to fill the shelves with affordable oil in 2025.

Consumer tips: Clever shopping

Even though prices are climbing, nobody has to do without olive oil - at least not if you plan smartly:

  • Check regional brands: Smaller producers on Mallorca are often a good alternative to the big brands from Andalusia.
  • Pay attention to actions: Supermarkets occasionally offer discounts - but beware of overly tempting offers.
  • Less is more: A few drops of good oil make more of a difference than a whole gush.

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