Mallorca News isla

Welcome to "Mallorca News" - one of the most isla Magazine category that serves as your curated source for the latest happenings around Mallorca. Immerse yourself in a world of up-to-date information that reflects the diverse island life of Mallorca. Here you will find the perfect complement to our Online magazinein which we offer in-depth stories and detailed reports. Discover the dynamic development of Mallorca with us and keep your finger on the pulse.

Elegance at sea: The "Queen Victoria" anchors in Palma

Elegance at sea: The "Queen Victoria" anchors in Palma

The "Queen Victoria", a jewel of the British shipping company Cunard, has recently docked in Palma, surrounded by elegance and history. Experience for yourself the charm of this extraordinary cruise ship, reminiscent of the famous Titanic.

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Drama or staging? Til Schweiger's turbulent visit to the clinic on Mallorca

Til Schweiger, the well-known German actor, was recently spotted in a dramatic state in Mallorca. After he left a hospital weak but on his own, speculation about his state of health emerged. New videos show him being carried with assistance, both arms in plaster. But was this scenario real or just a clever staging? This incident raises questions about the boundaries between reality and fiction in the lives of public figures.

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Escape ends in Mallorca - German millionaire fraudster caught

An exciting cat-and-mouse game on the idyllic island of Mallorca came to an end when the Guardia Civil arrested a 70-year-old German national suspected of committing fraud worth millions. The suspected fraudster, who was hiding in Port d'Alcúdia, was wanted on a European arrest warrant. This case underlines once again how difficult it is for criminals to hide from international justice on the Balearic island. isla Magazine reports on the constant struggle for justice in a paradise that is all too often chosen as a hideout.

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Majorcan vision for sustainable tourism

Rosario Sánchez, who was recently appointed as the new Secretary of State for Tourism in Spain, brings a breath of fresh air to the country's tourism policy. Her appointment signals a new era for the tourism sector in which sustainability and social responsibility take center stage. Sánchez, previously politically active in the Balearic Islands government and a close confidante of the President of the Spanish Parliament, believes that the future of tourism must be both environmentally friendly and socially responsible. Her vision: balanced tourism that respects the quality of life of the islanders.

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Trail running tips for beginners on Mallorca: fit for the summer

Trail running tips for beginners on Mallorca: fit for the summer

For jogging fans who want to actively experience the beauty of Mallorca, trail running is the perfect choice. With its varied hills and breathtaking sea views, the island offers ideal conditions for this natural running adventure. We have created a guide to help beginners get into the sport safely and effectively. From the right equipment to choosing your first routes and fitness tips, this guide covers it all. Particular emphasis is placed on the need to know your own limits and gradually increase the intensity. The cultural events surrounding trail running on Mallorca are also highlighted, as the island hosts numerous runs that welcome both beginners and advanced runners.

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Smarter tax saving in Mallorca: your guide to the 2024 tax return

Smarter tax saving in Mallorca: your guide to the 2024 tax return

Tax time can be challenging, but with the right information, it can be a breeze. isla Magazine brings you a comprehensive guide to tax returns in Mallorca for 2024. Whether you are self-employed, run a small business or operate as an individual, we cover all aspects, from deadlines to deductions. This year brings some changes that can offer significant financial benefits. From filing deadlines to digital filing options and advice options, here's everything you need to know. In addition to the basic information, we provide practical tips on how to get the most out of your tax return. Don't miss the chance to effectively reduce your tax burden and benefit from the latest tax breaks.

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Summer vacation fun: The best camps for children in Mallorca 2024

Summer vacation fun: The best camps for children in Mallorca 2024

For working parents in Mallorca, looking after their children during the long summer vacations can be a real challenge. The solution is provided by various summer camps, which not only offer reliable childcare, but also exciting activities. Whether sports, creativity or adventure - all children will find something to their liking at the numerous camps on the island.

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Discover the flamenco diversity of Mallorca: fiery rhythms under a Mediterranean sky

Discover the flamenco diversity of Mallorca: fiery rhythms under a Mediterranean sky

If you're a flamenco lover, you don't have to travel to Andalusia - there are currently some highly recommended performances of this special art form on Mallorca. If you missed the opening trio at the new flamenco venue "Tablao Alma" in Palma with dancer La Popi, don't worry: The program there changes regularly, but is always worthwhile. Up to and including Saturday (April 13), Raúl Ortega, a first-class male dancer, will be on stage there.

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